A marvelous expression of art for art lovers with a touch of unique identity is the motive of Contour @ 360°…..
This concept is a thriving idea of my art practice for the last over a decade. The rapid changes in art trends cannot be fathomed. Today the Real and the Virtual worlds coexist...And this is the best time to be in. As a ceramic artist, I enjoy playing with clay. My thirst to play with the contours became my passion and eventually resulted in some cutting edge outcomes. I have figured out some gratifying silhouettes in my journey with forms and clay. But not stopping myself at that I ventured to make the flexible contours at 360°...
Just imagine, the 2-D flexion turning around you from all over. The magnificent silhouettes are waiting for rendezvous with connoisseurs like you!! Naturally many forms in some way or the other show their association with specific symbols. Apple is one such form that symbolizes interesting characters. To me, a form of an Apple is delicate, alïve, fragile, feminine, and rhythmic. Practically I can connect anything with Apple. Why not? As an artist, I accepted the tempting invitation by this form and began to explore….and now I feel this is a never-ending journey.